Season’s Greetings from VIVAVIS
Ettlingen, 15th December 2022 – the year is slowly coming to an end. After two years of enforced isolation, we are at last able to get back together again and enjoy this very special and harmonious atmosphere with our friends, colleagues and family.
This year has been extraordinary in many ways – not only have we grown together even more closely, but we have also developed new solutions and implemented many exciting projects. Our world has become even more digitised – and this is true for VIVAVIS as well. Together with our clients and partners, we are shaping the future of the energy and utilities industry every day, year in, year out. Thank you for being part of our effort! Thank you for being part of our effort!
Moreover, we would also like to use this time of reflection and preparation to look back on this year’s events and on people who have realised special achievements in a year that has indeed been full of challenges.
Perhaps the most significant day this year was the – a fateful day for the people in Ukraine, Europe and all over the world, when Russia started a war against a sovereign European state. These are hard times, and both financial and material means are urgently required. Therefore, we from VIVAVIS decided to do our bit and support the people who are suffering from the war and its effects. To that end, we started the fundraising campaign “VIVAVIS Helps Ukraine” in March 2022, which was an overwhelming success: We were able to raise 250,000 Euros, and thus to provide financial support to various charities. We decided to split up the overall amount and donate 50,000 Euro each to five different organisations. Our decision was prompted by our aim to concentrate on small and local relief efforts, and also because it enabled us to support a wider range of activities. We decided to split up the overall amount and donate 50,000 Euro each to five different organisations. Our decision was prompted by our aim to concentrate on small and local relief efforts, and also because it enabled us to support a wider range of activities. We are delighted to announce that we have been able to support the following charities in their invaluable work and untiring efforts: Herzenssache e.V., Helping Hands Unna e.V., Hilfsdienst für Notleidende e.V., UNESON gemeinnützige UG and TRANSEARCH KinderHilfe Stiftung.
Speaking of invaluable work: we were privileged to support the work of two further charitable organisations this year. Our motto this year is “Donations instead of Gifts” – but what is behind that motto? In the course of the VIVAVIS merger, the benefits for our employees were put on a standardised basis. With regard to birthday presents for our staff, we decided to proceed as follows: Every year, a lump sum donation of 8,000 Euro is made to one or several charitable organisations which are decided upon by the staff of VIVAVIS. This year, we made donations of 4,000 Euro each to the Students’ Initiative Sprungbrett Bildung e.V. (Stepping Stone for Education) in Karlsruhe and the Arista Hospice in Ettlingen.
We from VIVAVIS are glad that, despite the economic challenges of inflation, energy crisis etc., we are able to do something and support organisations that contribute significantly to the common good and provide help to people in need.
We wish you and your nearest and dearest a peaceful and happy festive season and all the best and good health, success and happiness in the New Year 2023.
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