This is our corporate mission statement. To live up to our motto and promote team building across all company locations, we have introduced two new CSR projects to the VIVAVIS community in 2022.
But what does CSR actually mean? CSR, or “Corporate Social Responsibility”, refers to a company’s responsibility for its social environment and to the voluntary contribution a company makes to a sustainable development. This includes social, ecological and economic aspects. Our two CSR projects are intended to fulfill our social responsibility in an ecological and sustainable manner, and to promote common interests and team spirit within our company.
VIVAVIS bee smart
Bees pollinate ca. 80% of all cultivated and wild plants; therefore they are indispensable for our ecosystems and must need our protection. With our VIVAVIS bee smart project, our aim is not only to nurture and protect bees, but also to establish a joint project to promote cooperation and communication across all company departments and locations. With this purpose in mind, we have set up beehives at our Ettlingen headquarters and have made them “smart” with the help of VIVAVIS technology. Our goal is to use the smart technologies from VIVAVIS AG not only in our different fields of business but also to ensure the well-being of our bees. By working together in this project, colleagues get to know each other better and create something new together. In fact, there is a link between the bees’ and the human socio-economic system. Or – as Aristotle aptly put it – : “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.
Projekteinblick VIVAVIS bee smart
Aktuell befinden wir uns am Standort Ettlingen in der Realisierungsphase von VIVAVIS bee smart. Im Sommer 2022 haben drei Bienenvölker auf unserer Dachterrasse in Ettlingen ein neues, artgerechtes Zuhause gefunden. Unsere verschiedenen Projekt-Teams kümmern sich regelmäßig um das Wohlergehen der Bienen und befinden sich derzeit in der Planungsphase, wie wir smarte Technologien sinnvoll in unsere Bienenstöcke integrieren können. Im nächsten Jahr freuen wir uns schon besonders darauf, erstmalig unseren eigenen Honig ernten zu dürfen.
The VIVAVIS Garden Project is intended to complement the VIVAVIS bee smart project. The object of this project is working together to create a greener working environment, to put our generous green spaces at our sites to good use, and to create a place for our employees to relax and enhance productivity and well-being. The project offers ideal space for horticultural creativity – from flowering meadows to herb beds and a kitchen garden. Like our bee project, the VIVAVIS Garden Project is the basis for the utilisation of VIVAVIS products in a creative new context. This includes, for instance, analyses of weather and environmental conditions (precipitation, hours of sunshine, temperature and nitrate content in the soil), control of an irrigation system, or plant cultivation in the shape of a digital hydroculture – there are no limits to our creativity.
Projekteinblick VIVAVIS Garten
Aktiv haben wir die Umsetzung im Frühjahr 2022 auf dem VIVAVIS Firmengelände in Ettlingen gestartet. Nach sorgfältiger Planung konnte bislang schon einiges umgesetzt werden, wie zum Beispiel das Pflanzen verschiedener Blumen- und Baumarten sowie der Einkauf mehrerer Tausendblütenbäume. Diese werden über die nächsten Jahre herangezogen, um den VIVAVIS Bienen zukünftig eine Nahrungsquelle bieten zu können. Insofern „befruchten“ sich die beiden Projekte VIVAVIS bee smart und VIVAVIS Garten gegenseitig. Für 2023 stehen bislang die Pflanzung von Säulenobst und die Pflanzung vielfältiger Kräutersorten sowie die technische Realisierung der Hydrokultur auf der Agenda.